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a statement from tenor James Reese: 

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you on this gorgeous Philadelphia spring day with bittersweet news. Last year, I made the decision to leave Variant 6 following the 2021-22 season. My last concert with Variant 6 will be the release show for our album New Suns. I have discussed this decision at length with Ellie, Rebecca, Steve, Jess, Dan, and our Board. It was not an easy decision to make, nor to talk about. Iā€™m grateful to them for their kindness, understanding, and encouragement in this process. 

The reasons motivating this choice are a combination of professional and personal.  When Variant 6 began in 2015, I was 21 and a very recent college graduate. I had just moved back to Philadelphia and was overcome with excitement at the opportunity to sing closely with five individuals I respected deeply. I still feel that way - the only difference now is that in addition to singing closely with respected colleagues, I also get to call those individuals my best friends. 

Bringing chamber music to life is an intense, difficult, and immensely rewarding process. It requires highly focused singing and listening, simultaneously - often to a level beyond the audience's awareness. It requires a performer to be both singer and conductor, and it rewards keen awareness, both of yourself and of your collaborators. It also demands collaboration, trust, and commitment. In other words: it is the definition of teamwork. 

I couldn't have asked for a better team these past years. I am endlessly grateful that Variant 6 has become a foundation in my career and personal life. Now, as I look towards the next chapter of my career, I want to create space in my life for some unknowns - new projects, new experiences, and opportunities that have yet to present themselves. 

However, in the face of those many unknowns, there is one thing I know quite deeply: that the future is bright for this ensemble. The other five members of V6 remain some of the fiercest and most talented artists I know. I truly cannot wait to support their work as they cast off on a new chapter of the history of Variant 6. This ensemble has accomplished something truly special in the past 6 years, and I can only imagine the new heights they'll reach in the next 6.

As the reality of this decision has come closer, I've come to understand that Variant 6 embodies so many of the things I've come to love most deeply about my musical life: generous collaboration, intense commitment, and of course, the amazing musical community of Philadelphia. 

Of course, that includes all of you - the supporters of Variant 6. We have frequently said that, without you, none of this ensemble's success would be possible. That is true now more than ever, and I am truly thrilled to become one of your number now, with eyes towards the future success of Variant 6.

As such, I hope that you will join me in supporting Variant 6's new chapter in the many ways we know how: through financial support, by engaging with our two (!) new albums, and by showing up next fall to V6's first show of a new season -- where you'll find me, with bells on. 

Viva la 6, and with love,
James Reese